Touch the Plate

Isn't what we do with the offering plate obvious? Well, maybe not. 

We pass it from person to person to "take up a collection," right? No, we do not. In church we do not pass an offering plate to "take up a collection." People "take up a collection" at the office to defray expenses for someone's unexpected emergency. We often see people at the side of the street, at intersections and off-ramps, "taking up a collection" to help bury one's son or other close family member. Perhaps you have seen this, or some other "collection" appeal like it. 

In church, we do not "take up a collection." Rather, we receive people's offerings as an act of worship. As beings created in the image of a giving God, it is deep in our nature to give also. God has given generously to each of us. Giving is a part of worship; put something in the plate. 

Regardless of whether you place a financial gift in the plate, as the plate is passed, please intentionally touch the plate as a symbol of the offering of your life to God's Kingdom. Friends, I want to remind you that this is not a dues collection mechanism set to beautiful music. The passing of the plate is an act of worship and as you place your hand on it, intentionally make an offering of your life as an act of worship of our God who loves us and is faithful to care for all our needs. 

The offering has now gone from a "let's hurry up and get this over with" moment to a time of unhurried response to God. It is our "yes" to God, what we have to offer in that moment. I want to invite you to "come to the plate" in a similar way that we "come to the table"—deeply aware of grace. This is the plate of 5 loaves and 2 fish. Come and see what God can do with what we give!

Grace and peace,
Anita Sorenson
Pastor for Spiritual Formation 

Anita Sorenson