“I will sing of the Lord’s great love forever; with my mouth, I will make your faithfulness known through all generations.”
— Psalm 89:1
Singing, Learning, Playing, Leading
The Pasadena Covenant Church Choirs have a long history of helping people of all generations connect with God through music. We are thrilled to have our Children’s Choir that gathers on Wednesday evenings led by our wonderful director, Mindy Gustafson. We also have seasonal inter-generational choirs which provide opportunities for people of all ages to join in, learn music, and share music with church.
Children’s Choir
Throughout the school year children from 1st through 6th grade have a wonderful time singing and playing together as they learn and prepare to lead the church in song. During Wednesday rehearsals (5:45pm - 7:00pm), the children learn vocal warm-up practices, concepts in music and music theory, as well as learn spiritual lessons through the content of their songs and the guidance of their director. Periodically, throughout the year, the children bring their songs into the Sunday worship service to bless and lead the church.
Once a year, in the Spring, the Children’s Choir, also prepares and puts on the annual Children’s Musical. Through their singing and acting, the children provide a vibrant and personal message for the church that is fun, enriching, and challenging.
Get in Touch!
Want to get involved or to learn more about the choral opportunities at Pasadena Covenant Church? Fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you!