PasCov Youth Group

Fostering a community where youth are seen, known, loved, and launched into our world as passionate followers of Jesus.

Students meet weekly in our youth room to have fun, worship God, build relationships and learn what it means to follow Jesus in their daily lives.


Alpha Youth

The New Alpha Youth Series creates space for young people to have meaningful conversations about life, faith, and purpose.

All 6th-12th grade students are invited. Come join us & see what you think.

Students are then invited and welcome to join us weekly on Wednesdays at Pasadena Covenant Church, in our youth room, from 7-8:30pm. Our address is 539 N Lake Ave, with the main gate entrance on Santa Barbara St.

Please contact our Student Ministry Director, Christy DePree with any questions or check out the Alpha Youth Website.

Pasadena WyldLife

We are committed to students in our community and one way we live this out is through partnership with Young Life! Christy DePree is not only our Director of Student Ministries, but also the team leader for Pasadena WyldLife, which is the middle school ministry of Young Life. She leads a team of volunteers whose goal is to meet middle school students where they are, introduce them to Jesus and help them grow in their faith. Pasadena WyldLife is for any 6th-8th grade student in Pasadena. They meet for Club on Sunday’s twice a month for fun, food, friends and faith.

To get connected, please contact our Student Ministry Director & WyldLife Team Leader, Christy DePree. She would love to share more with you and answer any questions!