
This month we move into looking at leadership across the hundred years of Pasadena Covenant Church. Our Growth Groups have just finished looking at Nehemiah, an exceptional Old Testament leader.  One reason he is accessible as a leader is because there are no overt miracles; no parting of the Red Sea, no visit by an angel Nehemiah never walks on water. Instead, Nehemiah was a man who had a passion, who worked hard, prayed faithfully and listened to God, encountered criticism and made difficult leadership decisions.

Nehemiah, a rather ordinary person in a servant position, became a transformational leader by praying to God for discernment of His holy will. He then followed God’s calling to rebuild the walls of the city of Jerusalem. Nehemiah was a regular guy who caught a divine glimpse of what could and should be done. He provided a vision to those he led, attended to their needs, encouraged them to honor God in their efforts. Then, he went after it with all his heart. He was able to witness the completion of his vision, and the walls were restored in a mere fifty-two days.  His story is not that much different than ours.

Read Nehemiah again this month as we consider the next hundred years of seeking to do what God asks of us at 539 N. Lake Avenue!

Grace and peace,

Anita Sorenson

Pastor for Spiritual Formation

Anita Sorenson