How to pray?!

How to pray?! A dear friend let me know his mother has been found unresponsive and would not survive the day. Another young friend who is only 40 confirmed that she has breast cancer and is headed for double mastectomy surgery soon. Covid has taken the life of two adults in an extended family doing missions work in south Asia. Gratefully, when we no longer know how to pray, the Spirit, in groans too deep for words, prays through us.

Saint Paul wrote those words in Romans and they contain both a stunning revelation and a wonderful consolation, namely, there is deep prayer happening inside us beyond our conscious awareness and independent of our deliberate efforts. The Spirit is our partner in prayer, groaning to God about all things that feel too challenging for our mere words.

When we don't know what prayer to offer or what to pray for, these inexpressible groanings are a tremendous and compassionate solace.

Grace and peace,

Anita Sorenson
Pastor for Spiritual Formation

Anita Sorenson