At the Ascension Jesus gave us, his followers, a great task— to go to all the world, proclaiming with our lives and words the Gospel to all people, everywhere. At Pentecost, He empowered us with His own Spirit to accomplish this task. At Pentecost, we get to act out with our everyday lives what the Holy Family embodied at Epiphany, the good news that the gift of Jesus is for all people. All of the longing, doubt, grief, and the sins of the world we held up in the dark nights of Advent and Lent, all of the bright hope and relief that resurrected to life with the Risen Christ is channeled into this great movement of Spirit and Church at Pentecost. The Holy Spirit is a great fire!
The movement of Pentecost is outward, the great current of Spirit moves us toward all people, in every nation, everywhere. Some of us send, some of us go, and all of us move toward the peoples of all nations. This is our one task, our one job until we are reunited with Christ— stay the course, friends of Jesus!
Grace and peace,
Anita Sorenson
Pastor for Spiritual Formation