Come, Holy Spirit!

Come. Holy Spirit! 


We pray to meet you in the depths of our hearts where we are so prone to fear and anxiety, so quick to forget that we are committed to Hope, to Love, intending to believe and acting on the principle that “all will be well, all will be well, and all manner of things will be well.” 


We pray to let you heal us—body and spirit—of those wounds and scars that are left over from old memories, early traumas and the hurts and slights that keep popping up in the course of our daily lives.


We pray to feel your energy surging in our declining bodies, in our brains that too often forget things these days, in our praying spirits that bog down with the enormity and complexity of this sad world.


We pray for the wounds of so many in so many places, with the accompanying fear that we can’t know where terror will break out next. We pray that you will keep up your powerful attack on the minds and wills of those who are heartless, greedy and self-serving only, and transform their hearts to ones of compassion and caring. 


We pray for your Presence in the created world, that as it struggles to survive and thrive, you will teach us how to cooperate with that healing, with your power to give us words and actions that will preserve and respect the beauty and sustainability of Earth’s resources. 


We pray that you, Holy Healer, will touch the bodies and spirits and minds of those who suffer, and where there is despair, replace it with hope and peace. 


And for all those areas for which we have words but can’t get them out, and for those things deep inside us for which we have no words, Spirit, turn them into creative and cogent expressions of our hearts to the Holy One—for what is loving. joyful, peaceful, kind and generous, and faithful in our walking and talking, singing and dancing, working and giving, hoping and living each day with imagination, energy and love.


Come, Holy Spirit, Come!

 Grace and peace,

Anita Sorenson

Pastor for Spiritual Formation

Anita Sorenson