Ordinary love
Ordinary love, anonymous and unnoticed as it is, is the substance of peace on earth, the currency of God’s grace in our daily life.
Tish Harrison Warren Liturgy of the Ordinary
Your presence, and your absence matters to everyone in the church. We are better together; we need each other. Whether you show up online or in person at church, our community leans on each other for access to God’s grace through the love we share with each other. So many of you have spent the last 16 months doing the shopping for others who are more vulnerable or who welcomed assistance with groceries. Some have gotten others to a more tech-savvy place where access to services on Zoom is now possible. Several make regular phone calls, send letters, check in frequently with other PasCov folks so that a thread of connection is not random but a sure thing that can be trusted. Many are faithful and avid people of prayer and hold the many expressed and unexpressed needs shared with our listening, loving Lord. Conversations are going on constantly about how to use our finances well for Kingdom purposes, how to protect and care for everyone who uses our facilities and shares our campus space as we regather and occupy the buildings again. Ministry teams have adapted and pivoted (more times than you’d imagine) to the changing Covid environment. Food has been organized and distributed to an enormous number of households regularly, insuring that hunger does not overwhelm families in need.
This is the church, everywhere there is need, loving, loving, and loving again. Ordinary love changes the world.
Grace and peace,
Anita Sorenson
Pastor for Spiritual Formation