New Year

Maybe many of you have had the same feeling at the beginning of a new year-- lots of intention to reboot, face into the fresh month/year/decade with energy and action! That hasn't quite happened for me yet in the manner I had hoped. We stand upon the verge of the unknown. In some ways, there lies before us a new year and we are going forth to possess it and bring it into being. At the same time, we rely upon the Lord to bring us what He will, as we walk with Him and trust His love and good provision.

All our supply is to come from the Lord. Here are springs that never run dry; here are fountains and streams that shall never be cut off. Here is the gracious pledge of our Good Father-- if He be the source of our mercies, they can never fail us. 

How might we pray together as a church family to this generous God of love? Perhaps this prayer from Archbishop Emeritus Desmond Tutu is a good start:

Disturb us, O Lord

when we are too well-pleased with ourselves 
when our dreams have come true because we dreamed too little, 
because we sailed too close to the shore.

Stir us, O Lord
to dare more boldly, to venture into wider seas 
where storms show Thy mastery, 
where losing sight of land, we shall find the stars.
In the name of Him who pushed back the horizons of our hopes and invited us to follow. This we ask in the name of our Captain, Jesus Christ. 

 Grace and peace,

Anita Sorenson
Pastor for Spiritual Formation

Anita Sorenson