
It’s easy to blow through our day without a word of prayer. Life does not seem to be kind to those just trying to survive, and it may feel like prayer is a luxury. Prayer takes time, sometimes we don’t know what to say, and it can feel like prayer takes more out of us than we get from it. But luxuries are those things that adorn our walls, garages, and closets that have no bearing on our survival. Prayer, on the other hand, is the very lifeline for our existence. Esther’s extraordinary halting of assured genocide began with fasting and prayer. Jesus’ own ministry was directly out of a daily routine of dawn-greeting prayers; to the very end he was in prayer, “Father, into your hands I commit my spirit" (Luke 24:36). Prayer— the audacity of bringing our poverty to the extravagance of God— roots us in the reality of God, and keeps us upright in the gale forces of popular opinion, self-preservation, and desperation. Let the Lord’s Prayer guide your questions, concerns, hopes and dreams.

“Our Father in Heaven…”. You’re our dad that loves us; we are in your hands. “Hallowed be your name…” You are set apart in every way. The very best in every way. “Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven…” give us a holy imagination that sees the way things are ordered and flourishing in heaven so we can see it here on earth. “Give us this day our daily bread…” Lord, we need whatever it is that will get us through this moment. “And forgive our debts as we have forgiven our debtors…” Help us look at the other and see what you see—forgiven fixer-uppers that need to be reminded of their dignity and worth. “Lead us not into temptation…” No shortcuts, God; we want to go on the road marked by your footprints. “And deliver us from the Evil One…” Because of you, Satan has no purchase on us, and we will not give a square inch of our attention to his lies; we find rest in your hands. “For yours is the kingdom, the power, and the glory forever.” This is all for you, from beginning to end; we are all for you. Forever. “Amen.” Amen.

Grace and peace,

Steve Wong
Lead Pastor

Pastoral ReflectionsSteve Wong