Keeping company with Jesus

We keep company with Jesus by making space for him through a spiritual discipline. Our part is to offer ourselves lovingly and obediently to God. God then works within us doing what he alone can do. Our desires don't obligate the holy One. God is free to come to us in spiritual disciplines as he wills, not as we demand. But unless we open ourselves to him through spiritual practices, we may miss his coming altogether. —Adele Ahlberg Calhoun
Anyone who wants to go deeper in their life with Jesus, or find renewal, or healing, or fresh insight is encouraged to practice the variety of ways that God grows our lives, from prayer (Lord’s Prayer this sermon series), worship, meditation and Scripture study.  We are all on an individual and communal journey to be transformed by Christ! 
I came across Calhoun’s Spiritual Disciplines Handbook several years ago and after reading through the disciplines that most interested me--contemplation, meditation, rest, silence, solitude--I began to branch out into some I was not as keen to read on---submission, compassion, humility, surrender, sacrifice. These disciplines/practices take us ‘further up and further in’ to intimacy with God, and as we lean in, we are transformed by the Spirit. There are also many more contemporary disciplines such as mentoring, journaling, unplugging, attentiveness and becoming accountability partners. 
There are MANY ways to draw close to God, to know His heart, His mission and participate in His Kingdom. You may have loved the Lord for many years and long to find new ways to pursue Him, alone or with spiritual friends. Perhaps you are ready for a Growth Group that will encourage your faithfulness, or want to learn more about how to pray or just need someone else to listen to your spiritual story of faith. Share your longings with someone in your life, make an appointment with any one of the pastors at PasCov, or invite someone else to join with you in a fresh commitment to offer yourselves lovingly and obediently to God. 
And watch to see how He shows up.
 Grace and peace,

Anita Sorenson
Pastor for Spiritual Formation 

Anita Sorenson